Various artists...

Im a 34 year old Mum of 2 year old twin girls, Claire & Charlotte. We live in the Hunter Valley, NSW and love to giggle. I am addicted to everyday art and that helps me scrapbook our lives. Our motto... "Get amongst it". I have just been announced as a Scrapbooking Memories Master, what a thrill!

Friday, May 05, 2006


Thursday was my first full day back at work (and boy am I tired), the work was very easy, (I've done it before) but there was so much to do. Anyway the boss is an absolute gem, so easy-going (he's a Kiwi and I've never met an uptight Kiwi LOL)

I love being back at work, and I love the fact that I don't actually have to start at 6am and work with bloody bird-brained thoroughbreds. Touch wood I've never been seriously hurt at work, but it was only a matter of time... Being a vet nurse you are always underneath them and there have been times when I've been lying on the floor of the crush with flailing hooves above me. I remember once I was pulled out by the jacket from being kicked to smithereens by a large angry weanling. Oh yes those were the days. When I think back to the crazy stuff we used to do... Shaking my head... There were countless times I stood back brushed myself off and said "wow, that was close" ...But I've always had brilliant guardians... Whoever is up there looking after me has had their hands full a few times, but I am very blessed, touched by 'something/someone' who always points out the options and if I go with my instincts, amazingly everything always works out for the best for me.

Im feeling back to the old Lib now. Im wishing Kell would take less on her shoulders...

So Im opening up my blog page and just writing stuff as I think of it during the day, coming back to it and writing more... I think that way I will get all the stuff out of my head and on to the blog... Heaps of times I've thought of stuff to write and been buggered if I can remember what it was when the crunch of writing a post came LOL...

This is the cutest layout from Carole Janson from the footy tipping photo swap... all those flowers 'pop' out from the page and there is so much beautiful work in it... I love it so much and I cant help but laugh, that I used to think that photo of Chuck was so cute... well now I look at it she looks like an alien baby with alien eyes LOL! but those cheeks!

Hmm not really sure I have much else to say.. I need to do much more scrapping, I've printed a heap of photos and they are laying crying in the scrap room. Its so cold in there at night I have to rug up to be creative LOL... Im trying to save power this year, the girls room is heated and that's the only heater I want to use... So the scrap room becomes a tomb at night... And my brain freezes LOL! So I should use this glorious warm Autumn day to get in there and get some done... Don't know if Miss Jo reads this blog ... but if you do... thankyou so much! You are more generous than me... (Jo passed on some awesome gorgeous prizes from an Online Shop to me last night cos my computer was too slow to get in on the fun) I whinged and bitched and Jo felt sorry for me... I turned into the whinger from hell last night, but it was so frustrating... anyway... this time Im really going... plans for this week BE ORGANISED! BE ON TIME FOR WORK! AND FOR THE CLASS IM TEACHING! and create something great for Mum for Mothers Day

the funniest thing is that the ladies have made me something at day-care for Mothers Day, I wont see it till thursday, but how cute my first Mothers Day gift... I cant believe I helped to create these cute, smart, gorgeous chicks. My girls ROCK da house!

Have a great Sunday afternoon! Chat soon!

Lib xxx


At 4:19 pm, Blogger Anthea said...

well I am glad to hear the old lib is back again, your not the only one with a slow puter, but I think Jody gave me something too, just couldnt get back into the thread to find out what it was, anywho, hopefully those hackers are gone, and the forum can be up and running again soon.

love that LO!!, and she is so CUTE in that piccy!! love those cheeks too!!

At 9:23 am, Blogger Lauren said...

Good to here you back to yourself again Lib. It's even starting to cool down up here not too sure how I'm going to cope with Lonon winters.

I was scrapping with Carole when she did that page she had lots of fun doing it.

I hope you get the chance to scrap soon.

Enjoy your day,


At 3:43 pm, Blogger Chris Millar said...

Isn't the layout from Carole superb! Enjoy your first week back working Lib! And don't you love those gifts the kids make at day care!?

At 9:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Pink I do read your blog -well I've just caught this and you're more than welcome. I had a blast winning stuff, it's the competition that gets my blood going, and I know I got wayyy too much LOL! So please enjoy the ribbons and the saltbin - I wanna see a pic of the "dribble" tin when you've scrapped it, ok?

Luv ya girlie ;)



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