Various artists...

Im a 34 year old Mum of 2 year old twin girls, Claire & Charlotte. We live in the Hunter Valley, NSW and love to giggle. I am addicted to everyday art and that helps me scrapbook our lives. Our motto... "Get amongst it". I have just been announced as a Scrapbooking Memories Master, what a thrill!

Monday, May 22, 2006

All I need is a stray 13 grand!

I've been drooling over at the Canon website again... Why do I torture myself in this particularly desperate fashion... The sexy.....

oh hell have a gander at this bad boy

16.7 damn megapixels... makes me bits quiver just thinking about all those massive poster size images... Im talking pinheads in full and glorious colour at A3 dimensions!!! Whoh!

Its an EOS 1D Mark II there's a lesser model but its only 8.2 MP... piddling in comparison

Thats probably enough about that!

My favourite coffee is on special... gotta love that... seeing as though I drink about 6 litres a day... and Im finding those Maccas Almond Toffee's way too moreish... obviously today is the place for random thoughts...

Mrs Williams is such a funny bugger... she had well I think she HAS a crush on Axl Rose and loves romance novels... now this is a woman whose DVD's on scrapping Ive watched about 76 billion times and just quietly I can picture her hubby now as a jodhpur clad long haired, tight thigh'd, individual who has a penchant for tying long scarves to his post hole shovel... have I had too much coffee???

Ive gotta go... I will get back to you in the fullness of time!

love ya work!

Lib xxx


At 9:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What! Now you've got me thinking about this: "I can picture her hubby now as a jodhpur clad long haired, tight thigh'd, individual who has a penchant for tying long scarves to his post hole shovel"

and it's only 9am!!! What's he going to think when I leap on him as soon as he walks in the door tonight? LOL! And, yep, I know that A.Rose fetish is a bit left field....but, ya know how it is....though, a quick gander at how he looks now definitely cools the ardour! He has not worn well.

Now, y'all have me lusting over that camera, too. I wonder how many extra hours I can get Johnno to work to buy me one of them babies?


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