Various artists...

Im a 34 year old Mum of 2 year old twin girls, Claire & Charlotte. We live in the Hunter Valley, NSW and love to giggle. I am addicted to everyday art and that helps me scrapbook our lives. Our motto... "Get amongst it". I have just been announced as a Scrapbooking Memories Master, what a thrill!

Friday, June 16, 2006

{At this point in my life I am}.........

finally growing up... making decisions where the consequences are carefully considered, instead of pretending I'm 10 feet high and bulletproof. This doesn't mean Im having LESS fun, just different fun. Accountability. Im also realising that I can't have everything, I can't do everything, and I can't help everyone... that life is so short and the thing I want most from life is no regrets. I want to be able to sit knitting at 90 and laugh at how my life was a Busby Berkley spectacular, a glittering show of which Barnam & Bailey would be proud... to ahhh and ohhh at my amazing feats and thrill at the colour and movement that became the ride of a lifetime....

Oh and Im also potty training... the ladies...

This however didn't stop me from forgetting to lock the car last night... my phone and camera were in the car... and I park the car around the back of the house... It's all still there.. phew! Silly girl! but Id come home from shopping after work and I guess i got side tracked feeding/bathing/getting the ladies ready for bed... Thanks to my guardian... I say that every day.. its a full time job for 3, being my guardian LOL! but they do a great job.

I am also happier than I have ever been. Most definitely one of the reasons is....

for the first time tonight Claire gave me a huge loving, both arms around my neck .... CUDDLE.. we were watching telly on the lounge... her sitting on my lap and she turned to me and we were discussing the coffee cup on the table (well I was talking and she was GKJADSUFGIWBEF'ing) and she turned and cuddled me... she'll be 2 at the end of July... Chuck has given me cuddles before and doesn't it make your little heart burst? Honestly I felt a surge of tears and happiness and pride in my little possum... and then she went on to hug me a further 3 times... Im guessing that she thought there's gotta be good stuff to come when Mum goes on & on like that... so we shared some M & M's LOL! and so far so good with potty training... I loved giggling at Mishell Lancett and her potty training wins with Miss Daisy Lou and her poo in the loo... yeah yeah I know it... so here's to getting that right LOL!

Heaps happening

Got a spare $10? ...please spend it supporting
this amazing woman and support her in raising money for Breast Cancer awareness... if you have never heard of Ngaire... get out from under your rock....

This is her and Emily & Heidi after Miss N had dyed her hair pink for the cause.... some one else dyed their hair...hmmmm who was that???

Ngaire has a few books out too and if you could think of something you could contribute to her auction then Im sure she and the charity would be eternally grateful... and thats gotta make you feel good! Not to mention good for womankind... Hooray For Boobies! (did anyone else buy that Bloodhound Gang CD of the same name... so funny??)

Ngaire has as her blog banner a couple of flowers which distinctly resemble boobies too... very cute

Hmmm well my blogger problems are very odd... so this entry was started days ago and is finally letting me post... so thanks Big Blogger! LOL!

like I said

shhhhh everyone


It's time to go......

Libby x


At 9:15 am, Blogger Nicole Finlayson said...

Ngaire is an inspiration to us all. Thanks for the reminder to donate to her cause. yay hooray for boobies, where would we be without them???

And............I'm all warm, fuzzy and teary about your cuddle. Gotta love that. Gotta SCRAP that.

Now go, get off the computer, scrap that page about the cuddles and the M and M's . That is scrapping and family GOLD!!!!

Nic xx

At 11:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now THAT is an answer!

Quite obviously you ARE everything to two small angelic beings that dwell in your house!

Go the potty training!!!!

P.S Thanks!


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